klcc 19th december 2008heyhey.klcc on friday with sarah amira was like fun gile!hahaa.eventhough takdela buat ape sangat pownn.hmm.i reached there at about 1120 and meet sara at kinokuniya then we bought ticket for yes man movie.bapak lawak gle dowh cte tuh terbahakbahak aku gelak.dahla tak ramai pown yg tengok movie time tuh cause alaa dahla time tengah semayang jumaat.bape org je pown yang ade dalam cinema tuhh tapi serious best nak mampows laa lawak dy.hahahaha!
afta that we went back to klcc andd bought famous amos for the picnic at the garden lahh konon.haha.we took a walk at the klcc park and like always lahh take some pictures.amek gamba kat rumput sampai kene halau ngan makcik guard tuh haahaha.elehh makcik,kitorang leyh carik tempat laen laa adoyai.best dowhh.crk spot bawah jambatan dahla ramai orang lalu lalang selambe je amekamek gamba.agak memalukan laa tapi seronok beb!
and then at about 5o'clock we get in back to the mall cause sarah's mom dah nak balik dah lastlast we have to wait until 6.aaa,before masuk mall ade nampak pakcik pondan nihh!haha hot dow wearing pink shirts with shorts,and a very childish shades haha.he's smoking there.i think everyone staring at him twice kott tengok weirdness dy hahaha!we snap some picture of him.tengoklahh:)
it was a very fun dayy eventhpugh we hang out without having a lot of money haha!and eventho tak banyak spend duit tapi banyak have fun!seronok2!:))))
balik penat gilaa ohh!!!!
ap r bende kt dlm beg plastik pdi 2 kn...
ap yerk...
weyh.pnjg tol ko cte.detail hbes la.leh wt novel.aku pon nk cmmnt pnjg la.haha.weyh aku pleng suke part org pondan tu la.bes dow glkkn die.haha.spek die la yg pleng tk thn skli.mnarek gle la.siyes!tp pnt gle dow kua hritu. pnt2 pon tp bes gle nk mti.cm nk mti dh aku mnhn kebes'an die.ape word tu?bntai lah.bdoh tol.anjalin la ajr bm aku tk hbes.hisy.ptot la bm aku b.cis.tp siyes bes la.nk kua wt cmtu lg la.heh.jom nk?=)
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