4:41 PM / Loves, Farah Nurdiana /

Why you always judging people? Or its just your opinion? Hmmm, perhaps its your way of satisfying yourself and maybe it'll make you look(feel) even better than anyone else or more mature. Ahah, that's the way you live your life. I don't give a damn. Just sometimes I think it makes you look pathetic. Because for me, I like to keep it to myself rather than telling the whole world that you dislike this and that, its not perfect, its not cool, and bla bla bla. You're nobody to judge people. We're all human.

Okay, lets move on. Just sharing the thoughts of mine.

I have my own license now. So, after this I can go anywhere I want without depending too much on the public transportation. yeaaaayyyyy!! Lepas nih tak payah dah jalan kaki bwk beg guitar berat2 g bus station. Tak payah dah panas2 tgu bus. YAAAAAHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!


Comment by Amirah Aisyah on March 7, 2010 at 12:26 AM

huhu,kau ade keta best lah :)

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